• Coffee Chats,  Health

    Coffee Chat: COVID-19 Vaccine and Misinformation

    🗣 Let’s talk misinformation and the covid vaccines. There’s been an increase in misinformation about the vaccines especially over the last few weeks. As healthcare professionals, we have an obligation to present facts and keep our patients well informed when making decisions about their health, but when public safety/health is being compromised by misinformation this obligation extends into our personal lives. It can be frustrating when a constant barrage of inaccurate and detrimental information from social media and public figures impedes our efforts and the efforts of scientists and public health experts to keep us safe. When speaking to those who may be hesitant about the vaccines (whether they are patients, family members, friends etc.), I find it best to take an individualized approach and tailor reasoning to their specific concerns. Some may respond better to personal accounts and others want to see the data. Here are some points to get started:

    💉The vaccines were developed quickly as the need was urgent, but they were still subjected to the same vigorous trials all vaccines must go through before they are made available.

    💉Covid vaccines are proven to be safe and effective and were developed with technology that’s been studied for years

    💉The most common side effect is injection site pain followed by headache, fatigue and body aches

    💉Possible side effects should not deter anyone from getting the vaccine as the risks posed by getting covid itself are far worse

    💉While it is possible to become infected with covid even after vaccination, the risk of developing severe illness, being hospitalized/dying is greatly reduced

    💉Given the increased transmissability of the Delta variant and its significant impact on children, it is now more important than ever to get vaccinated both for youself and your loved ones

    💉It is also important to still mask indoors even when fully vaccinated due to how transmissable the Delta variant is and to protect those who cannot be vaccinated (children under age 12)

    🇺🇸 I cannot think of anything more patriotic than getting vaccinated to protect your fellow citizens! #letsgetvaccinated #covid19 #covid vaccine